
目前显示的是 十一月, 2022的博文

Barcode scanner vs barcode verifier

  How to distinguish between barcode scanner and barcode verifier? At LONVILL, one of the most common questions we are asked is, what is the difference between a barcode scanner and a barcode verifier ? The answer is that there is a big difference, and they both have their uses. What is a barcode scanner? A barcode scanner, also known as a barcode scanner, can scan 1D and 2D codes and is used as an input device to translate the codes. In simple terms, a barcode scanner is used to read barcodes and translate the codes inside the barcode. A barcode scanner is more suitable as a tool for conveying information and cannot be used to check whether the information inside the barcode is correct, such as checking whether the code is correct or in the right format. What is a barcode verifier? A barcode verifier is used is to measure the readability of a symbol, a barcode verifier is more of an information verification tool that will analyze the barcode according to i...